
2019年4月18日—SearchQuickisabrowserhijackerthat,onceinstalledonyourMac,displaysintrusiveadwareandstealsdata.Here'showtodealwithit ...,2023年10月6日—SearchinginSpotlightiseasy:ClickonthemagnifyingglassinthemenubarorusethekeyboardshortcutCommand-Space.Typeyoursearchterm ...,QuickSearchBoxisabasicallyaSpotlight-styleappthatcansearchforjustaboutanythingbothonandoffline.Inthisway,it'sverysimilartoG...

How to deal with the Search Quick virus on your Mac?

2019年4月18日 — Search Quick is a browser hijacker that, once installed on your Mac, displays intrusive adware and steals data. Here's how to deal with it ...

How to search on Mac

2023年10月6日 — Searching in Spotlight is easy: Click on the magnifying glass in the menu bar or use the keyboard shortcut Command-Space. Type your search term ...

Quick Search Box for Mac

Quick Search Box is a basically a Spotlight-style app that can search for just about anything both on and offline. In this way, it's very similar to Google ...

How to search on Mac

2023年8月17日 — The most direct shortcut is Command + F, which opens Finder and searches your entire Mac for a word you enter. It's great for those times you ...

Keyboard shortcut for web search on Mac

2014年9月6日 — 1) Hit 'cmd-Space' to bring up Spotlight, then type search term, then use the mouse to select 'web search' from the bottom of the menu. This ...

Mac 鍵盤快速鍵

2023年6月15日 — Command-F:尋找文件中的項目或開啟「尋找」視窗。 Command-G:再次尋找:尋找下一個之前找到的項目。若要尋找上一個,請按Shift-Command-G。 Command ...

在Mac 上使用Spotlight 搜尋

Spotlight 可協助你快速找到Mac 上的App、文件、電子郵件和其他項目。使用「Siri 建議」,你也可以取得新聞、運動賽事分數、天氣狀況、股價等資訊。Spotlight 甚至可以為你 ...

15 Tips to Better Organize and Find Files on Your Mac

2023年2月19日 — Quickly search for a file or folder in the Finder. Although you can click on the magnifying glass in the top-right corner of any Finder ...


HoudahSpot is a powerful desktop search tool. It builds upon macOS Spotlight to get you to your files in no time. Download Demo Buy Now.